Jersey Dairy Cows in Freestall Barn


A prosperous Iowa dairy industry that attracts a new generation of farmers and has a positive impact on local communities.

Holstein Cattle in Field


Iowa State Dairy Association is the unified voice and advocate for increased economic vitality of the dairy industry on behalf of Iowa dairy farmers.

Grazing Holstein Dairy Cattle


The development of intentional partnerships will be enhanced through efforts of showing Return on Investment by member engagement, policy development and cooperative efforts to move the Dairy Industry forward.


From Our Supporters

From Our Supporters

Diamond V

Sponsorship Level:

Diamond V manufactures natural* immune-support postbiotic feed additives* to support improved animal health and performance. We provide expert, experienced, technical consultation to help improve and grow our customers’ businesses. We…

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Farm First

Sponsorship Level:

FarmFirst Dairy Cooperative grew out of a rich dairy heritage, based on grassroots leadership and representation that has always focused on serving its dairy farmers members. That focus remains, which is why members know that FarmFirst is their most trusted advocate, here at home and in Washington, D.C. FarmFirst maintains a continual presence on important ag issues, to ensure that the concerns and insight from Midwest dairy farmers are heard by Congressional leaders on Capitol Hill.

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Prairie Farms

Prairie Farms Dairy

Sponsorship Level:

We are Prairie Farms, and we are proud to be comprised of more than 800 farm families throughout the Midwest. Since 1938, we have been producing high quality products and providing fresh, safe and nutritious milk to you and your family.

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